Chinese Sundaes Comfort Food

Chinese Sundaes are one of the best meals to make anyone happy. For VEGAN’s – make a separate gravy without the chicken, add TOFU or plant based protein. Tofu or more can also be used as a topping.

Chinese Sundaes are considered a comfort food for most people. Not to mention, kids are crazy about them. And still, they are a spectacular birthday dish or family get together.

chinese sundaes

Chinese Sundaes – main Ingredients:

  • Chow Mein Noodles.
  • Cream of Chicken Soup (We only use Campbell’s and like the “with herbs”).
  • Chicken. Rotisserie, canned, or chicken breasts you cook and dice and add in.
  • Cooked White Rice. (Yes you can use Brown Rice, or any other rice to you liking. I usually use Jasmine).
  • Shredded Cheese (Cheddar, or Monterey Jack, or a Blend works).

However, the main ingredients by themselves are incredible. They also serve as the “BASE” of this dish.

There are no limitations for Chinese Sundaes. Adding in a Great Chenin Blanc (which is light and fruity) and BOOOOM! An occasion full of tastes and enhanced flavors.


chinese sundaes
  • Diced Celery
  • Shredded or Diced Carrots
  • Diced Water Chestnuts
  • Almond Slivers (or pieces)
  • Walnut Pieces
  • Cashew Pieces (Note… the bigger the party the more options – not all nuts are for all people after all).
  • Sliced Olives (you may need more than you think). Black, Green. One or both options. They change the tastes. Love them both!
  • Pineapple chunks, crushed or tidbits. All work but I recommend draining the juice. If you prefer to keep the juice it will in with the melted cheese and gravy. Yummy.
  • Raisins
  • Craisins
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Shredded Lettuce (this one usually makes those having 3rds feel better about it)
  • Shredded Cheese (same as in the main ingredients – but placed here so it is not forgotten).
  • Chia Seeds
  • Diced Raw Onions – Red. Yellow. Sweet Yellow. White. As a mix, or as separate options.
  • Diced Peppers. Green, Red, Orange, Yellow. Mixed or as separate options.
  • Bean Sprouts
  • Bamboo Shoots (Diced or chopped)
  • Corn. (Cooked/Steamed Kernels)
  • Peas (Cooked/Steamed)
  • Cauliflower (Diced or Chopped)
  • Mandarin Oranges (these are incredible in this dish)
  • Diced Granny Smith Apples
  • Maraschino Cherries.

Preparation for Chinese Sundaes:

First, prepare the main ingredients.

The “Gravy”. This is the MAIN Ingredient. By the way, if you are missing the other ingredients, this still works. But with out the gravy, this is no longer Chinese Sundaes. Use 1/2 the amount suggested, and replace the water with milk. Simple. This will make the gravy thicker. Add in the chicken and salt and pepper to taste.

If you’re using canned chicken, add in from the start. Allow it to simmer for a bit. When using rotisserie chicken, add immediately as well. If you are using chicken breasts (uncooked), be sure to pre-cook them, cut the chicken up and add to the gravy. This can also be prepared in a crock pot – and have it simmering all day. If making this for an army, several crock pots can be going and you can produce lots of gravy and have it ready come meal time.

Then, start cooking the rice (so it is ready in time for dinner). Not to mention, consider rice cookers, they can keep it hot for a long period of time once cooked. You can use instant rice for this dish as well.

Typically – the Gravy and the Rice are the only items to Cook.

Preparations for Chinese Sundaes for Vegans/Vegetarians.

Tofu. Medium to Firm, Cooked (usually in broth or Cream of Chicken Soup to carry the taste). If needed for guests. When catering for this, suggested you make 2 sets of the “Gravy”. One with the Chicken, one with the Tofu, or Tofu on the side with a “Gravy” made without the chicken.

Let’s Dish these UP!

Suggested Layers:

  1. Start with the Chow Mein Noodles. This is going to produce some of the crunch. Plus the more gravy and melted cheese that is added to them the better they taste. After the first fork full you will get where I am coming from.
  2. Next is the Rice. Layered over the Chow Mein Noodles. As little or as “lot” that you so desire.
  3. Then add some Grated Cheese
  4. Then Add in the Gravy. This is going to MELT the cheese into the rice and noodles.
  5. I suggest even more cheese on top of the Gravy.
  6. Now move to the other ingredients, “The Toppings”. Adding them as you wish.

For those not sure on some ingredients, they can try a few, next add more or less on the next round. This is a dish you can have small servings and try different combinations, or just pile it high and devour.

We featured this in our “” on Wednesday July 15th, 2020. More details on this in our Wine Magic section.

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