Mobile Vital Monitoring Device

mobile vital monitoring device

When it comes to technology and electronic components, this smartphone case makes for the perfect mobile vital monitoring device. Comes complete with a thermometer and the ability to record and chart your stats. Talk about available resources made that track results or health concerns. This device is combined with your Smartphone. Creating a technological advantage for its users. This one device can be used to monitor and track not just 1 user, but can be used to monitor as many users as you program. That being the case, for one person or an entire team.

This is the best monitoring device we have discovered, and it’s a priceless addition to ensuring the quality of life.

Take a look at our mobile vital monitoring device seen here with the Founder/CEO of VMedical. As you can see, it is a Smart Phone Case with a built in Thermometer on the top (looks like the antenna) and then finger pads or sensors (2 of them) in the lower middle of the case.

This mobile vital monitoring device is going to change lives, and having the familiarity of how to properly use it can make all the difference.

Surely, everyone could use on of these devices to keep everyday stats on your vitals. Even if you’re just going from home to the office and back again, you may find a new motivation to walk extra steps. With this device we can find out where we should be, and make any necessary changes in our lifestyle and see it effectiveness. A little bit of daily exercise goes a long way, and having something to remind us is usually helpful.

This is actually a “Sexy Looking” Smartphone Case equipped with all the technology you need to be carrying around a mobile vital monitoring device.

This case is not just a mobile vital monitoring device, but its a assurance. It means you’re “in the know”, and take advantage of the fact that is exceptionally affordable. But, if you don’t intend on using it you might need one for your elderly mother, father, friend or other family member.

Keeping an eye on your health is important. This device completely turns your Smartphone into a life monitor. Being prepared or unprepared could be the difference between life or death.

Look back at life before cellphones. Today we cannot imagine living without one. No way right? We have watched as more and more life enhancing, and now life saving uses are connected to what started out as just a mobile cell phone. By securing a simple case around your smartphone, you now have the ability to evaluate your vitals.

Mobile Vital Monitoring Device and your Doctor:

In the first place, this handy device is a great tool to share with your doctor. Or the doctor of the loved one you are using your device for.

This is a free app that is simple to download. Actually sharing the vitals as recorded by the device with your doctor. All of this is included with the user information and support given. All you need to do is get one!

Furthermore, each user has a separate account and this device will work with each user account as you log in separately.

Talk about making your Doctor’s life more accommodating. Providing even more vital stats and reporting to assist in the care you need.

See here what this technology that you hold in your hand measures:

mobile vital monitoring device

8 Essential Body Stats Measured:

  • HR Variability (HRV)
  • Blood Oxygen (Sp02)
  • Temperature
  • Electro Cardio Gram (ECG/EKG)
  • Heart Rate (HR)
  • Blood Pressure
  • Breathing Rate (BR)
  • BR Variability (BRV)

As a matter of fact, this can be used for all ages really. Above all, as we age we should have this regardless. But, life is precious and needs protecting. We have the tools, let’s use them.

Mentioned below are some phones that it will fit on, although check here as new cases become available all the time.

Order Yours Today and Stay Healthy!

mobile vital monitoring device

NOW – if you think this technology is amazing, we have more for you. It is Bio-Hacking, and it is Science Technology that works from your inside out. See the details here.

We are consistently adding more and more “Exceptional Finds” in relation to science. Bio-Hacking is one of many. This is something we are personally standing behind.

This medical device is useful to more and more people. The more they hear about it, the more they get it. That’s the awesome thing about being a blogger. We share the information we find and present them for the world to find. By the way, this is also an astounding way to be a part of the ever changing and always evolving “Internet”. 

Check this out if you want to have a new HOBBY or Career (that is unlimited in potential).

If you want to see what Science has given us for “Brain Enhancement” and to remove that “Brain Fog” that comes with age, well age and kids, then check this out.