Women’s Sports Clothing For Todays Ladies.

We have found the Women’s Sports Clothing line that is becoming the everyday wardrobe for so many ladies. This is what all Women’s Sports activewear should strive to be. Not only have we found an awesome women’s sports line of clothing but a very impressive story that comes with it.

This women’s sports clothing comes with logos and colors of your favorite teams. Both collegiate and professional.

When great minds come together there is something promising that comes together. Think outside of the box and BAM solve a challenge! Above all, it is up to professional marketers like us to share it with everyone we know. Furthermore, when you look at today’s sports clothing empire, it’s not very Women-centric. However, it is becoming so, and the best way to help it along is to encourage and support those “small business entrepreneurs” with a passionate drive to make it happen. We are delighted with this product and you will be too.  See it for yourself here.

Now for that story I was talking about!

The woman behind the design, creation and success of this modern day sports clothing line, well her story goes something like this:

Professional Dancer To Activewear Designer.

Womens Sports Clothing

She started out as a dancer for the NBA and she found herself most often than not, embarrassed to wear the outfits given to her to work out, practice, and perform in during the games. She really felt that the clothing did not match the level of athleticism or honored the feminine spirit. Since she had gone through this personal experience she knew she could do better for lady sports fans.

She knew she could, and so she did. She set out and designed this exclusive Women’s Sports Clothing Line!

The idea was born out of the idea that women deserve better sporty activewear. They deserve clothing that is comfortable, yet designed to fit the female physique. So, she is savvy when she designs and manufactures this clothing line. She expresses her authentic feminine side reminding us all that what you put on your body should make you feel fabulous and confident. It genuinely is a unique forward-thinking endeavor, one that will be a huge impact on ladies activewear.

womens sports clothing

She is very passionate about only designing activewear that celebrates the beauty of the female body. And so, with 25 years of classical ballet training, she has gained a very deep understanding of how the female body naturally moves. Her clothing is developed from that understanding into every detail from the fit and feel. Above all and most importantly, the authentic blends of fabric used when making the clothing.

We are seeing it happen already. It is a HUGE STEP in the RIGHT DIRECTION… And we will be loving the fact that we get to share and educate on these unparalleled items so all of us women can take on the day!” 


LET’S GIVE KATY A BIG OLE THANK YOU, FOR HER EFFORTS & ON A JOB VERY WELL DONE!  While we’re at it, maybe even celebrate with a TOAST: “CHEERS Katy”… with a glass of our FINE WINE from Napa!